Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh25 - The Only Human Didi


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Translator's Note

SS is short for si shen or grim reaper (死神)

Translator's Note

been caught cheating on your idols LOL

Translator's Note

this is a play on a famous line from dream of the red chamber. the original line is “the Ruo River is three thousand li long, but one can only drink one ladle’s worth of water,” signifying that one can only choose one lover out of many

Translator's Note

literally the korean finger heart gesture

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  1. BA MEI!!! He actually came! How cute! Ba Mei probably absorbed some supernatural qualities just by living with grim reapers. Will he be allowed to live with Lu Xu? Yao Guai entertainment is so nice. Will Lu Xu get in trouble for having his phone? Thanks for the update!

  2. Do those demons actually know that LX is a grim reaper? I guess not xD Waiting for them ti find out lolol Aaaand~ the cat is here :3

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  3. You know what? I don’t care about Ji Xiunian anymore!😤

    I’m all in for the BA MEI X LU XU Ship dammit! 😍