Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh24.1 - Are These Ratings Really Real?


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Translator's Note

glutinous rice flour cake that is traditionally most popular during the Chinese New Year – the nian character is the same as jxn’s nian (means year)

Translator's Note

river in Paris, romantic connotations

Translator's Note

face dog is a term to describe fans who only care about appearances – face dogs are happy (spring has come) when they see beautiful appearances

Translator's Note

acronym for online commenters who tend to think of things more rationally/objectively

Translator's Note

hardcore idol fan – thought this is funny bc hammer sister’s name in chinese is literally iron hammer sister

Translator's Note

小白脸 meaning the person has a handsome face, pale skin, a man who’s been coddled

Translator's Note

the opposite of little white face

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  1. [@Mira-chan stans LX : @I’ll Bet On Tomorrow With My Youth Bring it on, i bet you that you will not only do that, but also apologize like a dog once you are done.]

    Thanks for the chapter~

  2. I appreciate that he literally has “godly” looks, the dramatic irony is just great. Being favored by a god isn’t so hard when you are one, right?

    Thank you for translating! <3

  3. Ahh the story is getting more interesting on each new chapter!!

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. you had better turn on your camera right now then @ I’ll Bet On Tomorrow With My Youth, the slap will come so fast that you won’t have time to stream otherwise

  5. This LJ didn’t really kill someone to get into entertainment circle, right? That would be horrible.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  6. Aaah this is getting better and better! Thank you for the Chapter!

  7. Hahaha dug a pit for himself!

    What’s up with the ghost inside that guy? Sold his soul for some fame?

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  8. @I’ll Bet On Tomorrow With My Youth: Please livestream that apology vid when you lose your bet. 🙂

    I’m hoping that the ghostly F4 somehow gets a chance to debut. But that Lan Gaojie is scaring me a little.

    Thanks for the update!