Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh128 - The Third Public Performance 


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  1. Its so cute of JXN thinking about LuXus reputation. He’s head over heels 😆😂

    Oh, and it seems LuXu are impacted too. Even if he himself didn’t realize it yet 😍😁

  2. Hello! There seem to be several paragraphs missing between these sentences.

    ( “Mhm,” Lu Xu responded and then asked him, “Why do you say that?” “Yeah, yeah,” Yao Yulong nodded vigorously, feeling like there was nothing to doubt about this. )

    I don’t have a chance to look at jjwxc, but there are three more paragraphs on another site.

  3. There a missing section here:

    “Mhm,” Lu Xu responded and then asked him, “Why do you say that?”

    (missing this part)

    “Yeah, yeah,” Yao Yulong nodded vigorously, feeling like there was nothing to doubt about this.

    I went and check it out on MTL and a part is missing