Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh111 - Approved


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  1. congrats, ji xiunian! you’re officially a grim reaper. thank you for the chapter.

  2. JXN: !!! More time with my crush (/>/-/</)

    First a mentor, then a colleague, then a friend. Next few steps are boyfriend and husband. You’re doing great, Ji Xiunian! XD Thank you for the chapter!! <3

  3. I think people also need a good change in mentality. I.e. stop looking down on people who don’t have the money (or the rich parents / parents who are better off but not plain rich) to buy.. dunno.. luxury goods they don’t really need to survive, and stuff like that. I think that would already change a lot ^^°

    Nian ge became a true reaper now woohoo~ >3

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  4. also love that this is helping spread awareness that’s so sweet

    so soon?? wow he’s really destined to be a Grim Reaper