PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh60 - This person was too kind


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  1. Ahhhh Yanyan finally got to see YC’s face value!!! Also yusss can’t wait to see these two meeting face to face again (^0^)/ Lol I think I already guessed who this ZZ dude is going to be hahahaha (reading too many e-sports novels teaches you a few tropes xD)

    Thank you so much for this chapter!!!!

  2. I already read the novel on MTL but I still await for your translated chapters religiously. You guys just make it better! Thank you so much for the hard work! Wishing everyone safety and good health ❤️

  3. Zuo Zhen, Zuo Zhen are you the girlfriend? Then again, I don’t think he has time to play LoL with Lu Xiuhe.. 😶

  4. i think i could guess what role zou zen in….

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Awww the battery got in the way!!

    There’s still next time tho Yanyan! /patpat

    Important in the future? Somehow I just thought of the girlfriend lol

    Thank you for the chapter~

  6. For some reason I was under the misconception that Mo Nancheng was the “girlfriend” but now….how could I think that lol 😆

    It must be Zuo Zhen. Did the “girlfriend” say her “ex” was famous? I can’t remember.. I only remember that Lu Xiuhe said he was hot 😅

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  7. Aahh, that name lemonmangosteen reminds me of Lemon Daddy from You Boys Play Games Very Well. He’s super cute and hilarious! xD

    Anyway, I may have an idea on who Zuo Zhen will be, but I’ll keep it to myself for now. Can’t wait for the gala! It seems like it’ll be plenty full of excitement hhhh xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  8. Yanyan is hungry for Yi Chen’s face. He got a fright when the cellphone died and was desperate to charge it. Hehehe.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Ahaha Mo Nancheng, your Tuantuan wad snatched up by Yanyan!

    Thank you for the chapter~

  10. I’m going to laugh so hard if Zuo Zhen ends up as Lu Xiuhe’s online gf. Just thinking about it tickles me haha

  11. Guess I’m gonna have to find my writing muse quickly so I can write a good fanfic for these two and get that sweet sweet gala chapter.

    Thank you for the translation!

  12. Haha why Boss delete yi ran as his friend? it’s only due to yi ran that they can mutually meet face to face for the first time

  13. Zou Zhen…I peeked at the table of contents so ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✧ haha didn’t expect for him to be mentioned here tho, thought he’s going to show up till this main story end.

  14. HAHAHA Cheng Ge, as much as i repect how brave you are, i hope someone kicks you in the balls, that’ll teach you not to sleep with women and change them the next day….the NEXT DAY! EXACTLY! SURPRISED? cuz i am. Freakin slag man (눈_눈)

  15. okay so this is my first time reading this, but after seeing the names of the side cp (ZZ and LXH) i rlly feel like ZZ is that want hugs person on LoL and said person’s “ex” bc a guy that LXH saw as tall and handsome?? and his online girlfriend doesnt use voice chat?? and theres a gay side cp w him?? i didnt know who ZZ was until now but now im practically vibrating w excitement to see their first irl interaction! I reallllyyyyy hope im right and ZZ who I hope was an ex pro LoL player is LXH’s online girlfriend

  16. I wonder if Zuo Zhen has anything to do with Yanyan’s reasoning for not wanting to play professionally, since he used to be a professional player and all 🤔 Anyways, their video call!!!! Got me so excited 💖