PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh29 - Misfire


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Translator's Note

In the raws, unlocked, and then locking the anchor and herself together and melting the key

Translator's Note

In the raws, find a locksmith to unlock the lock and press their head down as the lock is undone

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

The raws changed the actual title. It used to be just “Strongest Kills King”

Translator's Note

literally empty mouth and white teeth

Translator's Note

literally squib, like in Harry Potter where someone in a magical family is born powerless

Translator's Note

they keep using different Yan characters

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  1. Oh dear, Boss Yi is eating vinegar so hard right now. Who would’ve thought someone will be interested in his little anchor.

  2. This Zhou Yan sounds kinda…creepy? But as always, Boss Yi is the best! 😋

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Lol boss Yi is jealous-Yi 🤣🤣🤣🤣 who is this other Yan ah? Did Yanyan know him in real life?

    Thanks for the update ❤

  4. LOL Boss Yi who was a biiiiiit salty cuz Yanyan didn’t tell him he was turning on his cam.

    Then that “Good boy”. Thinking of how Yanyan was reacting and that he was turning on the camera for other to see Aaaaahhhhh so cute💕💕💕

    Yeah Boss Yi, tell him who’s the Boss there!! Implying to Yanyan that he wanted the gun and taking off his clothes?? Ugh creepy /being bias to the maxed.

    Thank you for the chapter❤️

  5. Creep! Pervert! Get lost you, Zhou Yan!

    Yanyan already has Boss Yi and his magnetic voice! You don’t stand a chance.. Back off before both of them kill you

  6. Vinegar bucket Boss Yi~~~~! Hehehehehehe

    The “little anchor” always makes me weak though to be honest hhhhh and now there’s a “good boy” I’m deceased

    Thanks so much for the chapter!!

  7. Yanyan’s face is going to bring him troubles, huh? And some weird suitors, it seems.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. I threw the anchor away!!!

    I am a bit confused? Does the fan mean Boss 1 because she says she is locking her and MC together in a ship.

  9. Lol!!😂😂😂😂 Someone’s turned sour.😁

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤


  11. obviously intentional, our boss low-key doesn’t want his little anchor to be taken away from him. Also, they are not yet together and the romance is just starting and our boss is already drinking vinegar. 😀

  12. Yi Chen stood a short distance away holding his gun, and gave his explanation very concisely and comprehensively.


    Plays: The Next Episodedara ra rarara🤣

  13. it’s 3.30 and I need to wake up at 6 because I have a major exam at 8…I’m too addicted I can’t stop reading…caffeine please save my life 😞😞