PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh27 - You’ll feel jilted when he turns on the camera


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Translator's Note

Divi: It’s 100% true. People come in to watch the stream for that “promise”. If they see a #1 Sniper, and Yanyan doesn’t constantly get wins after wins, you’ll have some people start screaming “Scam!”

Translator's Note

Divi: Everyone can experience the bug differently. Lu Xiuhe’s situation might not have been salvageable if he was stuck behind an inaccessible wall.

One way of getting out of the bug, if you’re stuck between like two objects in a house, is dying from the grenade and getting revived, but only if your teammates revive your butt sticking out of the wall from outside of the house. Another way is like I mentioned previously, trying to get someone to load into a vehicle by pressing the button when you bring it close. And the only vehicle that can get into an upstairs floor of a house is a motorcycle.

Translator's Note

Divi: They always try “fixing” this bug but it never properly gets fixed. Maybe triggering it super easily got fixed but it’s been around for like 4 years or more… Just in different forms.

Translator's Note

Divi: A fast off-road vehicle, often called a go kart. It’s a pretty good vehicle for solos but not useful in this situation.

Translator's Note

Divi: Sanhok has only 5 land vehicles

2-wheeled vehicles:

1. Motorcycle
2. Scooter hLzM9t

3-wheeled vehicles:

3. Tukshai (minibus)

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

4-wheeled vehicles:
4. Deuus
5. Ebcs (Ulmxeq Kgemx)

Normally when you have a squad you want the Rony, cause it’s the only vehicle that sits 4 people.

Translator's Note

Divi: A person running into the poison circle is very weak against someone who is already within the poison circle area but running out (but that’s not always the case).

Yanyan is just being cocky here, thinking he’ll instantly kill a person running into the poison circle.

Translator's Note

or gold-digger

Translator's Note

Divi: This is the SHIFT button which lets you accelerate on a vehicle.

Translator's Note

Divi: rails

It’s like, wall handrails. You can run and jump on this as well.

Translator's Note

Divi: So, as Yu Yan got off the bike he was already using the first aid kit. But you can cancel that animation before it’s completed and your first aid kit is returned to you. It takes 6 seconds to cast, so you can cancel it anytime before that.

Here Yi Chen is saying to use the bandages first (because it’s 4 seconds to case for 10 health) and then wait to go into the circle to use the painkillers to slowly regenerate health over time.

Translator's Note

Divi: to look for enemies, most likely.

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Divi: Meaning it has all 3 attachments to it.

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Link here

Translator's Note

Divi: PUBG has a spectator mode, where you can observe your teammate’s screen or the screen of person who killed you after you die until they die. So it’s like watching a livestream, watching your teammates actions and stuff.

Translator's Note

having dirty thoughts

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  1. Ah, Yanyan is super resourceful, cool-headed and cute 🤗 When he turns on the camera, even more people are going to flock to his stream. (And Boss Yi is already hooked 😋)

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤

  2. Many thanks for the update! : D

    Ah, ‘rescue from the bug’ mission was successful <3

  3. Fml I just read all 27chs and decided to make an account to add this book into my reading list, please keep up the good work ToT

  4. Yu Yan is right winning isn’t everything

    Enjoying the game is much more important! Sometimes people forget about having fun and just play for winning even I sometimes forget I play for fun and not for the stress that accumulated by losing

    When you lose and the stress keep piling up don’t forget to take a break