PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh115 - Extra CP (Zuo Zhen x Lu Xiuhe)-Fool.


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  1. Ahhh, finally the sweetness is here!! And yeah, my thoughts exactly. Does LXH not knw abt Yanyan?

    Also, lol a fool and a liar, that’s quite a match xD Poor assistant tho

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Goodness, Lu Xiuhe is so darn sweet and wholesome! 😊 Zuo Zhen is right to pursue him .

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. finally zz got what he want hahaha he’s kinda sly but cute tho:(

    i wonder what yanyan and lulu would think when they know the other had completely bent😂😂

    thank you for the chapterr💕💕💕

  4. Thanks for new chapter:) Haha, I kind of want Yanyan and Lulu to have the talk haha.

  5. Zuo Zhen is ready to go all the way? He undressed so fast!

    What a sweet moment!..

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Ahh, that kinda explains why ZZ was so intense at their first meeting and since then too. He’s liked him for 3 years 😍

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  7. i think lxh figured it out by the time his next year roommate was in love with some guy and thats why he became such a supportive, understanding wingman. i guess the mystery of why he was so chill throughout that whole saga gets cleared up now :’D

  8. Finally these two got together! Now I also understand why ZZ is so intense and unwilling to let go. I thought he just fell really fast but it turns out he he have been loving him for 3 years. 🥺🥺

  9. Dare I not say that that title suits the story very much? wink wink lolololol why is “The Great Lord Lu’s” dignified (and proud) way of referring to himself sounds so cute? No wonder you fell in love with him Zou Zhen༎ຶ‿༎ຶ your story is so sweet idk what to say anymore. You may not realize it after so many things I have said but I’m actually pretty speechlessಥ‿ಥ I love it so much ahhhhh. Thank you very much Author-sama! And Juurensha-san and the team for translating this! This has become a part of me now and I read it with no regrets QAQ I love both stories but I got particularly hooked on LXH and ZZ’s story QAQ I love it so much ahhh. Thank you ahhhh (idk what to say anymore) this journey had been so long and huhuhu.

    Anyways, to the whole team, for the effort (i know this is not the last chap but whatever) thank you very much! To Divi-san who painstakingly wrote and detailed the game mechanics so we readers can understand, it was very very helpful and I learned a lot that I decided to play PUBG now too, lolololol. To Noks-san, and Xiin-san, thank you for helping editing! And to Juu-san! You’re the angel of my life! Lol. Thank you very much! Sorry for this very long comment!

    • (I think my comment was cut coz it’s long idk) To Noks-san, and Xiin-san, thank you for helping editing! And to Juu-san! You’re the angel of my life! Lol. Thank you very much! Sorry for this very long comment!

  10. This is even sweeter than milk teas. squeal aaaahhhh~ I’m really feeling the bitter life of a single woman. Sigh