PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh114 - Extra CP (Zuo Zhen x Lu Xiuhe)-I can wait.


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Translator's Note

literally chicken feathers and garlic skins

Translator's Note

moves the heavens and the earth

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  1. damn my fragile hearts can’t take the middle parts, I cried ಥ╭╮ಥ but the last part I also cried with smile ( ;∀;) yokattaaaaa

    (just realize, wth did I cry for, whe I already know they’ll be fine from main story 🤦)

  2. Читая примечания переводчика мой мозг мне подкинул такие прекрасные выражения как “картошка надежды” и “поддержите сырье”. Кажется кто-то слишком мало спит….

    Thank you for new chapter

  3. i think he was just trying to help himself get over lu xiuhe in case lxh didnt actually like him back. and that advice to lxh for if he ever got with someone else….. ouch.

  4. Idk why but these two just make me so teary-eyed 😭 actually i’m full on crying but don’t tell anyone 🤫

  5. 😭😭😭 I cried when ZZ was willing to let go and also reading the internal turmoil from the both of them. I know that its HE but dang! My heart was almost breaking. I don’t if I should hate the fact that this is only an extra chapter or maybe love it since if its a full novel, I might be a crying a river now. 😭😭 Anws, good job! LXH finally!! 😭

  6. Damn, Lu Xiuhe really doesn’t deserve Zuo Zhen. I feel so bad for the roller coaster of emotions Zuo Zhen had to experience.

  7. The angst triggered the ninjas to come after me and they started cunning onions so it’s not my fault that I’m emotional😭😭


    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺❤

  9. Sorry to say … But He Zi’s and Zhou Zhen’s story is much more exciting for me.. this seems to be what lacking in the main couple.. I felt on edge everytime they encountered 🤗

  10. My goodness I’m crying…i didn’t even cry when it was said that Boss Yi parents are adopting and also definitely did not cry when we learned about xiao Yan’s past struggles but i freaking cried in this chapter