PreyCh26 - Get Some



The glasses clinked and in unison Dex and Wesley downed the glasses filled to the brim with whiskey. Kloh stood to the side, partially surprised and partially amused. As soon they had arrived the two omegas had run in and went straight for the liquor cabinet. By the time he had come in, the two had already taken two shots each. He silently brought out the lasagna and bread rolls that were being kept warm in the oven. He placed both dishes on the table where three places were already set up.


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Dex and Wesley giggled loudly as they continued to cheers each other. He quietly slipped out his phone and texted Mars. The two had told him Wesley was going into an early heat but made absolutely no indication to do anything about it. It seemed like the other news was just too intoxicating for them to focus on anything else. He knew neither of them had thought to inform Mars.


Klohepatra: Hey Mars


MissionToMars: Sup? 



Klohepatra: Wesley is getting wasted over at my house with Dex. Not that I’m complaining but you might want to talk to him real quick.


MissionToMars: ????? What?


Two minutes later, Toxic by Brittany Spears was playing on full blast as Wesley’s phone rang incessantly. Wesley let it play for a second as he sang along before giggling and picking it up.


“Baby you called.” Wesley cooed into the phone with a sickly sweet voice.


Dex giggled somewhat quietly behind his hand as Wesley shushed him.


Kloh could hear a somewhat muffled reply from Mars.


“Kloh’s house. Me and Dex are gonna get wasted. Tis a day for celebration.” Wesley nodded as he spoke.


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“What are we celebrating?” Wesley repeatedly looked at Dex who was holding back his laughter.


“My lack of pregnancy of course. Can’t drink if you’re pregnant. But I’m not so I’ll drink to celebrate that I can. Get it?” He seriously explained and immediately downed another shot with Dex. 






“Mhmmm. Well….mhmmmm.”


Wesley actively replied to whatever Mars was telling him. Kloh could now hear the exasperated voice coming from the phone as he walked around the two to grab utensils. Wesley resembled a student being seriously lectured by a strict teacher for not paying attention in class. But clearly Wesley wasn’t taking anything Mars said to hurt as he continued to clink glasses with Dex despite the serious face he had.


“Please drink responsibly. Don’t worry Kloh too much. Call me when you’re ready to go. Or let me know if you’re staying over. Okay?” Mars’s voice softened.


Wesley nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. I will.”


“Okay. Have fun. We can talk about everything else tomorrow. Yeah?”


“Yessir.” Wesley saluted to the phone.


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“Olay baby. I love you. Again, have fun.”


“Awwwwww I love you too. You’re so cute and precious and the love of my life.” Wesley clutched the phone with both hands and spun around on the stool.


Kloh shook his head as Dex laughed and joined in. They couldn’t be drunk this quickly right? It was just a couple of shots. There’s no way they were drunk. He looked over at Dex who seemed fine other than the giggling. Wesley, though, was flushed red and giggling like a maniac. His eyes were almost squinted shut and he was unconsciously rocking side to side. Kloh sighed and reached over, plucking Wesley’s phone from his hands.


“Hey!” It took him a second to realize that he was no longer holding his phone.


Wesly pouted and reached over to grab it only to be stopped by the countertop. He glared at the countertop then at Kloh before huffing and crossing his arms across his chest. Kloh rolled his eyes and pushed the bowl chips towards them.


“Eat.” He said, pointedly looking at the both of them.


Wesly huffed and turned. Dex looked at Kloh then at Wesley then back at Kloh. Kloh raised a brow and nodded towards the bowl. Dex grumbled but to a couple of chips and eat. After a second he twisted Wesley back around and fed the omega. They both begrudgingly ate as Kloh stepped away to speak with Mars.


“Wes? Wes?”


“Hey, it’s me.”




Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Yeah. I realize now that I probably should’ve just told you the full situation rather than letting a drunk guy do it.”


“What is the full situation?”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Qfrifs lr ublcu lcab jc fjgis tfja. Lf jigfjvs abbx jc lctlylabg yea klat atf kjs tf’r vglcxlcu P vbc’a xcbk tbk ibcu la’ii kbgx.”

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“Sjgis tfja?” Ktfgf kjr j qjerf atfc j ibev megrf. “Bibt kts vlvc’a sbe afii wf?”


“Qfii P atbeuta Qfrifs kbeiv yea mifjgis atja lrc’a bc tlr wlcv. Vfmbcv, tlr ybvs, tlr mtblmf ab afii. Rb boofcrf ab sbe.”


“None taken.” Mars sighed. “Well fuck, my car is at the school. I only got my bike with me.”


“I figure you can just come over and spend the night. Technically early heat just means exhibiting the traits earlier than usual in the heat cycle. The cycle may not start for another 24 hours. But better safe than sorry.”


“You’re right.” Mars sighed again and Kloh heard shuffling noises, “I’m packing his e-bag right now. I should be there in like an hour.”


“Excuse me for being ignorant but what is an e-bag?”


“Shit, you know sometimes I forgot you weren’t always an alpha.”


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“Me too. And thanks I guess.” They laughed.

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“An e-bag is like a go bag that most alphas, or anyone in a relationship with an omega, keep for when an omega goes into heat in an unexpected place. It usually has things like suppressants, anti mark collar, condoms, gag..”


“I’m sorry, gag?” Kloh choked on the word.


“In case you end up biting through the collar. It’ll happen after enough uses. You’ll understand what I mean later.” Mars laughed.


“Okay sure.” Kloh replied, his voice a bit rough. He cleared his throat.

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“Yeah just so you know, if you mark the same person enough times in a certain period of time it will become permanent.” Mars said his voice became a bit serious for a moment.


“Good to know. Continue.” Kloh nodded to himself.


Also you want to have a change of clothes. You should also have something for your omega to have for their nesting behaviors and pheromone addiction. Otherwise it’s gonna be really hard for you to leave them alone to get anything. This might be TMI but it’s the best example, Wesley has a teddy bear that he keeps during his heat that has my pheromones infused into it.” Mars chuckled, not sounding at all embarrassed or shy.


“How is that even possible?”


“I’ll send you the link to the site.”


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Kloh blushed a bit. He peeked back into the kitchen. Dex and Wesley had moved the lasagna to the countertop and were eating straight from the pan with forks. Wesley sat on the countertop, feet dangling as he ate. Dex sat on his stool, intently focusing on cutting out the corner pieces. Wesley was hovering over him coaching him. Kloh couldn’t even imagine how many more shots they had in the time he was away. At least they were eating. Kloh chuckled and quickly took a photo and sent it to Mars.


“Too fucking cute. God. This just reminds me that we haven’t been drunk together in so long. Those two can be scary fun after a couple of drinks.” Mars chuckled.


“Scary fun as in really fun? Or scary fun as in hide for safety reasons fun?” Kloh asked as he watched.


“To be honest, closer to the second one than the first. But they’ll usually pass out after a couple shots. Then wake up and cry and be sentimental for a couple of hours before passing out again. It’s truly an experience.”


“Kloh look! I got the corner out!” Dex called out to him.


He looked up and saw Dex proudly holding a corner slice of lasagna with a spatula and fork. He was grinning widely, ears pink. Wesley was loudly applauding.


“That’s beautiful baby.” Kloh complimented.


“The student has become the teacher.” Wesley announced and did a little bow to Dex. 


Dex bowed back then carefully set the lasagna piece onto a plate.


“Okay, that’s for Kloh. Next I’ll do your piece and my piece.” He announced seriously as he held up the spatula and fork.


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“There’s one corner left. Who gets it?” Wesley whispered loudly.


“I don’t know.” Dex scrunched up his nose.


Wesley scrunched up his nose then shook his head in disappointment.


“There’s no other way. It must be a fight till death.” He somberly announced.


Dex bit his lips looking just as serious. Then he nodded in agreement. Kloh bit his lips to hold back a laugh.


“Hey guys, we can leave the fourth corner for Mars. He’s on his way. No need to fight till death, okay?” Kloh told them.


The two looked over at him, carefully scrutinizing his words. Then they looked at each other. After several seconds of staring at each other they nodded. 


“We accept your suggestion.” Wesley declared. “Tell Mars to bring my cards. Now, back to work.”


The two turned back down to the lasagna. Kloh shook his head and told Mars what happened. The alpha laughed uncontrollably.


“You wouldn’t believe how many times they bring that alternative up.” Mars sighed.


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“They are unique minded.” Kloh said after he resisted laughing some more.


“You should see them handle a crab. They use forceps to get the crab meat out. Same for shrimp.”


“Well now we have to go to a seafood restaurant.”


“Consider it a double date.” Mars agreed. “Okay, I’m getting into the car. I’ll be there soon.”


“See you then.”




“And then they fight the giant octopus squid..” Wesley animatedly explained.


“The kraken.” Mars supplied.


“Yes! The kraken! They fight the kraken and fucking win.” Wesley patted his leg in thanks.


“Then Jack Sparrow does some crazy cool shit and everyone loves him and he sails off into the sunset.” Dex added on, easily wrapping up their storytelling.


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“The end.” They said in unison then stared at Kloh, waiting for his reaction.


“Wow.” Kloh blinked slowly. “That was a perfect retelling of Pirates of the Caribbean.”


“Of course it is. We’ve only seen the movie over a hundred times.” Wesley proudly stated and held his head up high in a haughty fashion.


Dex smirked at Kloh and did the same. The two highfived then giggled and fell back against their respective alphas. Mars rolled his eyes and winked at Kloh. Kloh laughed silently in response.


By the time Mars arrived, all four corners of lasagna had been properly removed. Wesley and Dex were taking pictures of their cuts comparing each piece together as though they were being graded on accuracy. Kloh, in that time, cleaned up the downstairs bedroom for Wesley and Mars. Mars had walked in with a decently sized duffel bag that made Kloh look awkwardly as he remembered what was in it. Mars purposely winked at him as he put the bag away making Kloh run out the room. Laughter trailed behind him.


Now the four sat in the living room where Wesley and Dex were giving explanations, better yet retellings, of their favorite movie series. Then they started arguing the scientific basis behind buoyancy and wave patterns. Kloh silently drank as the two got deeper and deeper into their scientific spiral. In the beginning, the two alphas could interject with their own thoughts. But as the words got more technical and formulas and theories were brought, they just kind of fell back and let the knowledgeable ones discuss.


The extra seats and couches had already been put into storage. Wesley sat in Mars’ lap on one end of the couch, holding onto a wine cooler as he spoke with Dex. On the other end of the couch, Dex sat with his back and head resting on Kloh’s chest. Like Wesley he had a wine cooler in his hands. Both of the omegas were beyond wasted. They had already passed out once before coming to a second time. Now they had been forced to cut back on the alcohol content by their significant others. While both Dex and Wesley had employed every fiber of cuteness in their being, the two alphas stayed strong. They begrudgingly took the wine coolers and accepted cuddles as an apology.


“You know what Dex?” Wesley suddenly asked as he pressed his face against Mars’s chest.


“Yeah?” Dex replied and nuzzled his head back into Kloh’s shoulder.


“You’re my best friend and I love you. And frankly if I hadn’t fallen in love with Mars so hard I would’ve totally smashed you.” Wesley announced and reached out a hand.


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“Awww, Wesley. Thank you. If I hadn’t been a witness to your beautiful love with Mars, I totally would’ve said yes.” Dex agreed and reached out as well. 


The two locked hands. With some weird technique they pulled each other up. They met in the middle of the couch and hugged. Kloh raised a brow at their declarations and made eye contact with Mars. Said man remained unbothered and amused as the two hugged and continued to confess nonsensical overly dramatic things.


“No comment?” Kloh asked him and took a sip of his sprite.


“I witness this same conversation at least three times every couple of months.” Mars explained and drank his coke.


“Ahhhh. Got it.”


“Yeah. In the morning they’ll apologize for saying to my face but not for meaning it. It’s fine though, I totally get it.” Mars laughed.


Kloh joined him. With a glance he could tell that Mars truly didn’t take the words to heart. Or rather did but very clearly understood how close Dex and Wesley were. He smiled and looked over at the two now sobbing omegas. It was a bit weird. If you weren’t aware of their gender anyone would think that this was an alpha comforting his omega because of the very noticeable size difference. Plus Dex was bulkier than your average omega so many people would take him as a beta at times. The two really would make a cute couple.


“I couldn’t do this without. You’re literally my inspiration.” Wesley cried. 


“No, you’re mine. Look at how smart you are. No one can compare to you.” Dex cried in response.


“If I was pregnant you’d easily be the godparent.”


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“You’d be the Godparent of my kids too.”

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“I love you.”


“I love you more!”


“We really gonna have to talk about this constant use of the word pregnancy.” Mars muttered behind them.


The two detangled from each other after whispering something that the other two couldn’t hear. They both went back to their respective places.


“Mars?” Wesley whispered.


“Yeah baby?” Mars stroked his hair comfortingly. 


“My heat is early.” He nuzzled Mars’s shoulder.


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“I know.”


“You know? Good. We should probably go to a different area like right now.”


“Oh. Oh! Okay, yeah!” Mars shot up with Wesley in his arms as he registered the hint from Wesley. 


“Sorry, bye.” Mars waved and turned to go to the room Kloh showed him earlier.


“It’s fine.” Kloh called out after them.


The room slammed closed and a small wisp of their pheromones, the mingled scents of pine and strawberry, drifted out in the living room before disappearing. There was silence for several minutes, making them think it was a false alarm. But as Dex went to speak a low cry pierced through the door and into the hallway. Dex blushed and rubbed his face harshly, trying to sober up a bit. At the same time the small remainders of pheromones, alongside his prolonged exposure to the preheat pheromones from Wesley, finally had an effect on him.


“Maybe we should go upstairs?” Dex cleared his throat a bit.


Kloh laughed and nudged Dex up. The two got up and started to head upstairs. Kloh quickly ran back and made sure all the applications were turned off. By the time he finished, the cries had gotten louder and a burst of pheromones had penetrated past the door and curled into the hallway. Kloh blushed and shuffled over to Dex.


Dex grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs quickly. They hurriedly made their way to Kloh’s room. Once the door was fully shut behind them, they no longer felt the pheromones chasing them. Dex leaned against the back of the door with his head down. Kloh sunk onto the bed. He took a deep breath, circulating the scents in his nostrils to get out the heat pheromones. It took him a second. But the minute after his nose was filled with the familiar citrus scent that he loved.




Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Kloh craned his neck upwards to look at Dex. His breath caught. Dex had stripped completely naked and moved over to stand in front of Kloh. His ears were still red, his face flushed. His pheromones actively entangled Kloh. Kloh locked his lips and sat up. Dex eagerly reached forward and easily pulled off the insulation sticker on the back of Kloh’s neck. Kloh’s clove scented pheromones similarly entangled Dex. Dex hummed contentedly and climbed into Kloh’s lap.


“Dex, is Wesley’s heat influencing you?” Klph asked as he rested his hands on Dex’s hips holding the man close to him.


“Probably.” Dex replied and rubbed his lips against Kloh’s, not fully kissing him but seeking affection.


“Wanna know what he told me before we parted?” Dex muttered. 


“What did he say?”


“He said he’s gonna get some. And so should I.”


Dex giggled and wrapped his arms around Kloh’s neck, continuing to rub his lips against Kloh’s. Kloh smiled and slowly drew Dex into a slow passionate kiss. Dex moaned softly and shifted closer to Kloh as much as he could. Kloh’s hands moved across Dex’s skin skillfully. Dex drew back on the kiss andlocked his lips, looking down at Kloh with bright fiery eyes.


“Let’s play a little.” Dex whispered and pecked Kloh’s lips.





  • Differences between Dex’s and Wesley’s early heat for those curious 
    • Wesley’s heat cycle is a lot more stable and well maintained. He regularly is marked and suppressants work well for him. So going into early heat isn’t as a big of a deal for him
    • Dex though has a wacky heat and suppressants don’t work well for him. Plus his previous heat was cut short which compounded onto this one, forcing it to be early. That’s why it hit him so hard compared to Wesley’s early heat which was much more chill and manageable. 


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Author’s Note


It’s finna getting spicy in this second half of the book. Be ready. 


Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy.


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  1. Everything about this chapter was so precious! Dex and Wes seem to be exactly how Lee and Kloh were before. Gotta love a family whose Omegas are so lovey with their besties 🥰

  2. This has become one of my favorite book so far! I love the characters and the plot so much! In short I really live the book, thank you for the chapter author san☺️