Peter Pan and CinderellaCh46 - Like you


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Translator's Note

兔子不吃窝边草: I provided the literal translation because that’s referenced in the next paragraph. The actual meaning though is that one shouldn’t do anything to harm one’s neighbors; in romantic context, that means one shouldn’t date someone with other ties to them that would make it inappropriate.

Translator's Note

满天都是谢竹星:This is quite difficult to translate. Original meaning is “Sky is full of Xie Zhuxing.” Xing in Chinese means star, and Sky is full of little stars is the Chinese lyrics of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. so Wang Chao essentially put Xie Zhuxing’s name in the tune to rhyme. I translated the emotion of it while preserving the rhyme – when the sky is full of Xie Zhuxing, it means Wang Chao is basically thinking of him all the time.

Translator's Note

女追男隔层纱: I provided the literal translation but I think it makes sense in English too. Original phrase also contain “a mountain prevents boys from successfully pursuing boys,” so this basically means it’s super easy for girls to pursue boys but not in reverse.

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  1. Thanks for the chapter ♥️♥️

    Why do I feel that even though WC still knows he like xiao xie, it won’t be the ending of his playing around…

  2. I’ve been reading this novel for until this chapter and oh wow… This Romcom novel is not just (absolutely) funny, but is also super sweet and touching😭✨ When Xiao xue’s headphones were actually just a coy, I-

    Also, Wang chao is so shameless about anything except his own (genuine) love life. He got shy agsfjfkfllcute…