The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh51 - Spring Banquet (17)


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Translator's Note

This means that when they encounter danger, the weaker players would act as bait for the stronger players.

Translator's Note

终日打雁,反被雁啄眼 – It is a metaphor for a person who subdues a certain person or thing in his life, but he is subdued by it instead.

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  1. I have my suspicions that the baby might be He Jun’s. Like Qing Hong(or whatever his name is) stole three blood from his heart. Maybe he make use of that blood to make a baby. Tho don’t know why he would risk his life just to make a baby….. maybe my assumption is wrong. But I am highly suspicious 🤨

  2. »In any case, we have to do down eventually,« to go down

    Hmm, Mr Bakery had the same thought with the pond. But I’m more curious now how RYF will come out of that situation.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. I remember Ne Zha was resurrected (?) from a lotus flower which became his flesh. Hua Li is a lotus flower, plus with He Jun’s blood… heh. That baby…