The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh33 - Dong Xing City (3)


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Translator's Note

It actually said “摔” = shuāi – to throw down / to fall / to drop and break

Translator's Note

干净利落 : gān jìng lì luo – squeaky clean/neat and tidy/efficient

Translator's Note

CP is a slang term to say that two people are a couple, commonly used when shipping someone. But you guys probably already knew that.

Translator's Note

大手 – big hand is used to describe someone very skilled

Translator's Note

技能:简历 : jiǎn lì – curriculum vitae (CV) / résumé / biographical notes

Translator's Note

金主 : jīn zhǔ – financial backer/bankroller

Translator's Note

麻木 : má mù – numb / insensitive / apathetic

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  1. I imagine Ren Yifei making his own shanty town sorrounded by shops and people he likes~

  2. »This studio has a tendency had makes people..« tendency that

    lolol The guiding elf is totally unable to cope with RYF xDD

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

  3. “I can really see” hahaha. Ren Yifei is right, though, the way the immortality is set up really encourages people to stop valuing human life, so insidious

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  4. …wait. i just thought of something. if no one recognized his face when a fei is that stunning, then could cape of desolation be bringing in people from different worlds? i mean, he’s a child actor and he’s so freaking talent. people should be able to recognize him! S U S P I C I O U S

  5. Don’t ask, I’m still squealing even in this chap where they’re just talking about editing since it was just so dang thrilling. 💪