Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh41 - Lacking a Passion Root


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  1. Jiang Yinghe wants his disciples to share him? 🤣 That’s not gonna happen, man.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Oooo so finally, he’s going to find out. I wonder how he’ll react

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  3. Hagahahahaha…

    My disciples angered me to death, 😂😂😂 How did he even think of this excuse…

  4. I’m more interested in what those three will do ir they find out (about his absent passion root). Lol, I bet those three lovesick horny fools will turn the world over to find it so they can “heal” Shizun😂

  5. Next question – How does one get a passion root? 😵😮😳😬😂😂😂😂

  6. Yes!!!!! passion root business is out!!!!!! thank you Demon lady

    things are moving!

    thank you for the chapter!!

  7. Lmao so those three hopelessly in love knows civil conversation😂what if they really come out of sharing their shizun😂😂i think that would be better lol thank you for the translation can’t wait for the next chapters❤️

  8. Just started reading this and I finally caught up! Thanks for translating! ❤️

    I’m still rooting for LHH tbh despite his questionable acts these past few chapters, only because I think QJ is out of the question (every scene with JYH he’s always rejected) and I don’t really like CY’s clingy annoying two-faced personality. Also JYH is accepting all of LHH’s advances even though his words say otherwise, like remember how the other 2 disciples were pushed away in bed. Plus it’s because of LHH that JYH realized that he probably isn’t straight anymore.

    I can almost write an essay from all these pent-up feels lol. Good work btw and we’re excited for the next chapter!