Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh42 - A Courageous Demand


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  1. As the author’s note said- you can go see him! Just don’t start bawling and kneeling when you realize it’s your beloved shizun.

  2. They keep teasing me about the passion root!!! I may not be one of Jiang Yinghe’s disciples, but it’s still so frustrating. I wonder if he gave up his passion root voluntarily or if it was forcibly removed “for the greater good.”

    I’m with everyone who thinks/wants Li Huanhan, Qin Jun, and Chang Ye to be three aspects of the same person, but if we treat them as three individuals, am I the only one who feels like Qin Jun is losing…? Like, Li Huanhan was there first and had a mutually supportive relationship with Jiang Yinghe and Chang Ye is the most beautiful (Jiang Yinghe even tried to get him a dual cultivation sword, lmao) but idk about Qin Jun. Li Huanhan said he became a disciple out of “curiosity” and Chang Ye innocently went along before getting his memories back, but I can’t forget that Qin Jun literally tried to eat Jiang Yinghe, even if he ultimately was the first to reveal his identity while saving Jiang Yinghe’s life. That’s just me, tho.

    Anyway! Thanks for your hard work translating this novel!

    • From my vague memory, I recall an earlier chapter mentioning it was removed to stabilise some place? And that head Buddhism monk guy that can’t leave the temple (forgot his name) was one of the people who helped suppress the memory of the root being removed?

      • Sorry, I made my comment too vague! I know where his passion root is, but the fact that he and his love interest(s) don’t always keeps me at the edge of my seat. Also, while his passion root is currently serving as a stabilizing artifact, characters from his sect mentioned that it was removed because the monk who could see fortunes or w/e foresaw that Jiang Yinghe’s love life would cause difficulties in his cultivation. So, when I ask “was it voluntary?”, what I mean is “did he have it removed to benefit his cultivation/for the good of the temple and had the memories wiped because it was traumatically painful, or did other characters harvest it from him to serve as an artifact/remove difficulties from his cultivation and then take the memories so he wouldn’t realize what they’d done?” If he gave it up himself, it’s an “oopsie” moment, but personally I would be very upset if I found out that something like that had been taken by force and I’d been left ignorant about it for centuries, especially if the end result was the kind of conflict between realms that is currently happening.

        …I hope that makes sense. Anyways, thanks for responding!

        • I think he gave it up voluntarily, but I’m not sure where it was said.

          • I have that impression too. The impression I have is: He gave it up to stabilise the area, but because the process was so painful, they removed the memory of it. Then when he went to see the Buddhist guy last time he had his future told and was informed he’d face a trial of love

  3. Hmmm Jiang Yinghe is going to surrender or It’s a tactic to make Qin Jun fix the river?!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I feel like I’m on the only one who’s favourite is Qin Jun out of the 3. Of course I like all 3 but Qin Jun reigns supreme for me lol

  5. Uhm poor Li Huanhuan. Really hard being the eldest. 😅

    Let’s see you say that to your Shizun’s face, Qin Jun. Hahahahaha

    Thanks for the update 💕

  6. Thank you for the update. I hope Shizun really shows his strength and put his disciples in their place 😬😬

  7. Thanks for the chapter! I can’t wait for the next one

  8. Waaaaah thank you for the chapter😍😍i’ve been waiting for this❤️It’s soooo exciting can’t wait to finish it all🥺

  9. After a month break from this novel, I come back to find all the exciting things happened the moment I took the break orz

    Can’t say whether I’m glad or frustrated the matter of the passion root still hasn’t been revealed to the three… Anyw, lmaooo Qin Jun, sweetie, you are going to eat your words xD

    Also, still a faithful supporter of Huanhan, but I still can’t help but want all three of them to be the same person… I mean, wouldn’t that solve everything? That would pretty much mean the ghost, demon and devil realms will be controlled by one person who’ll marry the one leading the cultivation realm and thus uniting all realms!

    Like, what if… (very farfetched and very impossible) but what if JYH knew the ML (3 disciples as 1 person) back in the days but something happened which led to JYH removing his passion root and the ML being seperated into 3 different beings… If they aren’t one person tho, then I’m all for Huanhan…

    Also, still a faithful supporter of the theory that the person who warned JYH is himself but from the future (who travelled back in time) or smthn… Oh wait…. what if… what IF! JYH travelles back in time, like way way WAY back and met the ML (3 disciples as 1 person) and they fell in love 👀 Then afterwards smthn happened to ML (maybe when JYH went back to his time??) that caused the whole 3 different people situation. (Another near impossible theory) The system making JYH take these 3 as disciples is still too sus for me tho

    Ahhh, this got too long. Istg never am I taking a break from this novel ever again, but goshhh I rly RLY want these three brats to be the same person ;-; Despite my ever present love for Huanhan, ever present :0 @ Qin Jun and ever present urge to punch Chang Ye, I really do love all of them…

    Thanks for the chapters! 🙂

  10. Oh god…I binge read it all in a day, and reached here…😨 I badly badly wanna see Qin Jun’s reaction!🤭 And I wish Huanhan goes with him too… don’t want anyone to have the upper hand other than him…🙈