Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh40 - Not Straight Anymore


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  1. Shizun has mementos from all of his 3 disciples on his body. And am I just imagining it but Shizun seems to… have more i̶n̶t̶e̶n̶s̶e̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ attitude towards Huanhuan? It makes me kind of think that shizun is a bit more inclined towards him although it’s this eldest disciple’s heart that was being stabbed with his shizun’s words. Hmmm.

    Why have the righteous sect members kept it from Jiang Yinghe that h3 does not have his passion root? Truly the root of all evil or heartbreaks, rather.

    Thanks for the update! 💕

  2. Oho. Tsk. Tsk. Poor shizun. When will they find out that your passion root is gone? I’m looking forward to how they will race against each other to get it back to you.

  3. I mean at least homeboy figured out he wasn’t straight 🤣🤣🤣 Hhhhh poor Huanhan…. Shizun I get that you’re panicking but don’t be mean about it! I can feel his heart breaking!!!

    Thank you for chapter!

  4. HeHe…you’re smart but this move is going to fLIP THE ENTIRE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN, namely by three certain disciples cough

  5. This missing passion root needs to be recovered immediately or this isn’t going to end well for anyone! Hard to recover it though when this ascetic Shizun doesn’t know it’s missing…

    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  6. I can’t help but always cheer those that came first like Huanhan, since he had been with shizun for so long

    Plus I feel even with all that happened he is still the most respectful towards shizun, since he’s so afraid of hurting him

    But afterall he is still a demonic cultivator that’s why the turmoil going inside him right now…

    Aaaah my baby Huanhan, I’m still rooting for u!!!!!😭❤️💕

    Thank u for the update as always! 💞

  7. Hello, thank you for your hard work.

    I’m in love with this novel and I think that is really funny .

    I want to more people read this novel so I’ve been think in retranslate for portuguese.

    Can I have your permission for this?

    I would be very grateful.

    Thanks for all

    …… and Shizun found out that he is not Straight, ho ho

  8. Hey does it mean that LHH do another hj to JYH?😂I love this novel so much!im recommending it to my groups😍thank you for translating. Hope to see more chapters❤️


    And wow Huanhan… Your mind…😏

  10. The person in front of him clearly didn’t believe anything was wrong with his request… More importantly, neither did he.

    Fuck he wasn’t straight anymore.

    Lmao the way I was telling him bc he said it “you are gay bitch”.

    The way I am proud. Welcome my friend!😂