PeachCh86 - Shops


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Translator's Note

His name is a homophone for “good things” in Chinese. It can mean a physical good that is good, or a person who is of decent character. The word ‘hao dong xi’ is also used for a very common exclamation which literally translates to ‘all these people aren’t good creatures!’ (都不是好东西!). It’s pretty funny in Chinese, and very typically LYQH’s brand of humour.

Translator's Note

Bazi is kind of like a Chinese horoscope. It consists of four pairs of numbers, including the year, month, day and hour of a person’s birth. The Chinese believe that the bazi of a couple need to be complementary in order to have a happy marriage.

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  1. Just finished SUBEMP and immediately ran over here to binge everything XD I’m really enjoying your TLs!

    Our Qiqi is so clever <3333

  2. No no no, Professor Luo. You don’t buy dog food as much as its thrust upon you like an advertisement flyer. Don’t worry, you don’t need to pay a single tael! 🤭
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  3. I’m very interested in what comes next for the farmer. Maybe someone will advise him to hang on to a couple shops while they gain value? Side note: if one is going to keep a birdie gong, one should definitely feed it properly 😉

  4. Just came right after finishing SUBEMP.,.. aiyy this one is good too.. love it, esp the little bird 😁..

    Thanks for the chapters ♥️♥️