PeachCh85 - Betrothal


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  1. Qiqi: “Buy one bird, get two?”

    OvO: “Do you think I’m a dragon?”

    Qiqi: “No, but I am.” 😉

    Thank you

  2. Poems about chickens, I can’t XD And questioning with mother-in-law, take care bois, mama has a sharp eyes! Thank You for the new chapter ( ¯ ³¯)♡

  3. Chang Er is the actual best so even though I’m sure she’ll go through a moment of fury (“How long have you two been lying to me?!” “You’re engaged? Without my permission or arrangments???”) but she’ll get over it. In all honesty, she couldn’t choose a better spouse for her son and she’ll know that as soon as daydreams of doting daughter-in-laws disappear from her head. I have faith in this woman!
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  4. I feel like whenever the Bois reveal their relationship Chang’er will just throw a lil tantrum like,”You’re engaged?? For YEARS???AND DIDN’T EVEN TELL ME??!!”

    I trust her tho. She’ll be supportive of them!

  5. Chen Ziqi: We got engaged when you were eight?? I put you inside my clothes and we slept in the same bed, Mister Protector Perv! Just for that, you can ask my mother for my hand in marriage 😜

  6. Haha, I’m looking forward to for our fairy to find out about them lolol But I don’t think she wouldn’t accept it. She’s such a cool mom so far :3

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و