PeachCh60 - Revelation


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Translator's Note

Note that in Chinese mythology, a feng is a male phoenix and a huang is a female phoenix. Fenghuang is also used as a term for phoenixes generally.

Translator's Note

This term in Chinese is niaoren (鸟人), and it’s pretty funny to read it in the original language, because it has some double meanings. It can mean ‘a person who likes to play with birds’, or a derogatory term used to address someone you hold in contempt. Here, Chen Ziqi is technically using it literally – a bird that is also a man.

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  1. “Tweet?!” 🐥 “Oops”. Thank you

    It’s PFOD with birds instead of cats! When will Qiqi realize they’re all birds?

  2. so he ACTUALLY stuffed Dan Yi’s head into his mouth,.,,,,, HAVING A VAGUE IDEA HE COULD BE THE BIRD ACTUALLY HAHAHAHHA


  3. I’m also truly disappointed that the divine chicken didn’t transform into Dan Yi in his birthday suit..

    I feel you, Chen Ziqi , I feel you..

  4. Niaoren really does work so well as a term for Dan Yi! How can you deny that Dan Yi is both a bird and also likes to play with birds? 🤭
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  5. Well I guess we all knew Qiqi was a… tactile playmate 😄. Dan Yi could have stopped it early in their childhood, but I love that he never did more than occasionally redirect the mischievous hands lol. They are so comfortable with each other, it cracks me up that Chen Ziqi thinks it means he’s doomed to bachelorhood for life.

  6. Chen Ziqi didn’t say any more. He silently observed Dan Yi’s side profile. This fellow was really, really handsome. He had never seen anyone else who was better looking than Dan Yi. If he kept being in close contact with his face, he probably wouldn’t find anyone else attractive, and might end up a bachelor for life.



    (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

    thanks for the amazing work beansprout-sama (idk how to sound respectful in cn, sry~)