PeachCh59 - Chest Pain


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  1. Is it a mystery the Divine Dragon’s Howl hasn’t been mastered in such a long time with each generation appointing a worse man to the throne? The Tiande emperor can bend the rules to win his authority but he can’t bend Dan Yi! Qiqi did a great job at that all by himself! 🤭😉
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  2. I don’t think our Qiqi would have a problem with Dan Yi openly watching his movements. Chen Ziqi has been openly curious about his gege and still has that “show you mine” mentality from his childhood. It’s funny that the Protector God is still a victim to normal teenage angst regarding his love.

  3. I’m a bit confused. If the Palace Masters can’t master the fourth level without the help of their “dragons” does that mean that Dan Yi’s dad (and other generations before him) is still on the third level? Since the high priest previously mentioned that the chosen one before Qiqi was murdered?