PeachCh167 - The Tune


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  1. It’s Dragon calling Phoenix… but will the Phoenix call the Dragon?

    🐉 Thank you.

  2. Wow, we’re approaching almost 200 chapters. I wonder where this scrolls will bring us to~


  3. The Yi Phoenix family’s antics are getting funnier, if that’s possible ☺️. Yuhu being so casual about bringing the verses is kind of typical of the generation of leaders we’re seeing as they come into power. For example, how many Cloud Palace Masters are expected to carry their dragons around on when they don’t want to walk 😄

  4. I’m still waiting for some kind of ancient blood awakening and Qiqi turning into a mighty dragon xD (Or a smoll cute version of it lol) Dunno if smth like that will happen or not.

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶