The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh49 - Indispensable


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  1. we will now be releasing chapters 3times a week.. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so I hope you stay with us guys. Have fun and stay safe 🙂

  2. Welcome Rose and Thanks for your Hard work! Three chapters every week sounds Heavenly!

    Hehe, Ling Fengxiao is preparing Lin Shu for the big revelation, huh? Even If he says women and men are all the same, Lin Shu Will get a fright.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Yayyyyyy!!!! Thank you all~ may the God of Editors and Translators bless you all🙏

  4. Wooo! Another editor in the house! Welcome, Rose! (´▽)/ <div>Namizaki sama, if you ever need to hide, you're welcome in my bomb shelter </div><div>ฅ(´-ω-)ฅ

  5. Ayayy! Three chapters in a week! I’m so happy 🥺😭💖✨ Thank you so much, our hard-working editors and translator! kiss kiss~

  6. 3times a week? No way…is it really true? There exists a novel which I’m into and istead of slowing down or stopping the releasing pace got faster?! Is such a heavenly thing possible?! 😵

  7. Since it’s mentioned so much, there is probably some kind of significance to it, but tbh if I were in Lin Shu’s position, and saw that the system inside the dreamscape looked a lot like the person who basically maintains the whole place, and if I understood correctly, made the place, then I would just assume that he made the system in his own likeness deliberately (vanity? Or to channel more authority through the system?) and that’s the end of it.