The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh50 - Re-enter the Fairyland


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  1. Hahaha. Why is he appearing now with his True appearance? Is he trying to make Lin Shu fall in love with this body because LS said he liked women before? 🤣 He has to remedy that, I guess. Hahaha

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Male form reveal! 😮

    Thanks for the chapter! So happy this is getting regular updates now!

  3. Bahahahhahaaa this made me think if that magic trick you can do with your dog and a blanket. Lin Shu is panicking trying to find his owner who’s just behind de door hhahaha

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  4. I hope LFX doesn’t control everything Lin Shu does in the future. When the ML controls everything the MC does, even right down to alcohol and food consumption, it gets to be too much. And this story is shaping up to be a great read so I hope it doesn’t go that way.

    Lin Shu may be quiet and mellow but he doesn’t need to be constantly watched and controlled. zzz