The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh158 - Revisiting The Old Haunts


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Translator's Note

Adding 儿 / er behind someone’s given name is usually used for children or people whom you are close to, it’s a nickname/term of endearment. Hence the Headmistress of Phoenix Villa calls her son Xiao-er and Lin Shu as Shu-er

Translator's Note

刀 is a knife or single-edged blade. If it is double-edged, it is considered 剑 sword.

Translator's Note

七窍流血 Bleeding from the seven orifices on the head – eyes, ears, nose, mouth.

Translator's Note

三韬五略 – these refer to two books 三韬 and 五略. “Sanlue”: (“Huangshigong Sanlue”), the legend was written by Huangshigong (also known as the old man in Lishang) in the early Han Dynasty and passed on to Zhang Liang.
The book mixes Confucian benevolence, righteousness, and etiquette; legalist’s power, technique, and power; Mohist’s valor; Taoist’s gentleness; and even talk about taboos. The whole book talks about political strategies and means more, but directly talks about military affairs less.
“Three Strategies” is the first military book devoted to strategy in ancient China. It mainly discusses political strategy and also deals with military strategy. Since its publication, the book has been valued by politicians, military strategists and scholars of the past generations.
“Six Secret Teachings”: Through the dialogue between King Zhou Wen, King Wu and Lu Wang, it discusses the theories and principles of governing the country, governing the army, and guiding war. Sima Qian’s “Historical Records. The Family of Emperor Qi Taigong” stated: “The words and wars of later generations and the power of the yin of the Zhou Dynasty. All the emperors are the masters.” During the Yuanfeng reign of Shenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty, “Six Taoist” was listed as the “Seven Books of Wujing” “One of the must-read books for martial arts.

Translator's Note

出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。 Chinese idiom for rising above one’s circumstances without being sullied/corrupted. Literally, it refers to a lotus flower that grows in the mud, yet remaining pure and unstained. It praises the steadfastness of the lotus. It’s Lin Shu’s fancy way of saying that in spite of those 2 bad examples beside him, he still turned out ok.

Translator's Note

芳泽 fragrance; 〈Ancient〉scented hair oil used by women

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  1. “At that time, we will be either dead or ascended, Folding Bamboo will have no one to raise or educate him. Wouldn’t this be very lonely?”

    !!!!!!!!!!!! This (it opened my mind) ^ :'(

    Also thank you for such an amazing translation <3

  2. To be honest, I’ve always thought that Xiao Xuan was more deserving of being a ruler than Crown Prince Xiao of Southern Xia. But yeah, the Great Wizard is not someone you’d want by your side, whichever faction you’re in.