The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh159 - If The Saints Do Not Die


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Translator's Note

Yang Qi is the driving force of human material metabolism and physiological functions, and is the decisive factor of human reproduction, growth, development, aging and death. The normal survival of human beings requires the support of Yang Qi. The more abundant the “Yang Qi”, the stronger the human body. When Yang Qi is insufficient, people will get sick, and when Yang Qi is completely exhausted, they will die.

Translator's Note

及冠 /加冠/ 弱冠 During ancient times, a man would undergo a crowning ceremony at 20 years old to celebrate his coming-of-age, this indicates that he is now considered an adult and can take a formal name Zi 字 / Biao Zi 表字. E.g. Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮,took on Kong Ming 孔明 as his 字, the meaning would usually be similar or based off his original childhood name.

Translator's Note

圣人不死,大盗不止 – Chinese idiom by Zhuangzi. This is a very complicated philosophy, but the gist of it is that without saints, there will not be thieves. On the one hand, it tries to criticize the “benevolence and justice” of the so-called saints who created the political or legal system, and it advocates the abandonment of all culture and wisdom (from the Saints) and to return the society to its original state –  to more primitive political views.

Translator's Note

Nanhua Jing

Translator's Note

While those who commit petty crimes were punished, those who commit crimes against the nation were conferred titles, (窃钩者诛,窃国者侯 – Used to satirize the hypocrisy and unreasonableness of the law. Literally the thief who stole a hook was killed, but the one who stole a country was made a marquis/prince.)largely it condemned those who ‘steal the country.’

Translator's Note

血海深仇 Literally a feud as deep as the bloody sea.

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