Mr Xie And His CatCh28 - Reminder


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Translator's Note

Idk why but I find this so funny because in chinese, it directly translates to ‘have money’. If I have $5, am I rich? I’m rich ah. ╰(▔∀▔)╯

Translator's Note

幺蛾子 (yāo é zi): Create something out of nothing. Referring to Wang Jiajia being fussy lol.

Translator's Note

前脚刚离开 (Qiánjiǎo gāng líkāi): Someone had just left.

Translator's Note

Jingila cats are bred from Persian cats so they belong to the same family(?) Do you call it a family? lmao.

Translator's Note

自求多福 (zì qiú duō fú): Means getting more happiness when asking for help from others. It’s used to admonish people so Su Yuhe is basically telling him something like ‘you’re on your own’.

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