Marshal, Please Calm DownCh057 - Suspicion


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Translator's Note

Shiru: now he has tea specifically for Wu Zimo~

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  1. Once Scott realises what he’s feeling, there’ll really be no escape for Wu Zimo. MC gonna understand the pain of a 100% harmonization.

  2. So Scott going remind himself to use the lightbrain to call Wu Zimo to eat next chapter?

  3. Thank you for the chapter! Can we treat it as a diner date? Unfortunately Wu Zimo is still in the fan mode.

  4. Hahaha it’s love, marshal! So silly… He’s already acting like a faithful hubby, but he still doesn’t even know he likes Zimo?

    Thank you for the chapter~

  5. ah ah ah, as much as I want to hurry up to the bonding experience, I think this kind of development… is also good. especially for a foreigner, the attraction between and sentinel and guide will be somewhat fake to WZM, I think. even though I think Scott’s immediate attraction toward WZM is definitely due to them resonating on some level despite WZM’s godlike shielding abilities, in the end his pursuit will still feel more ‘real’ since he didn’t consciously know WZM is a compatible guide.

    I somewhat hope for Zimo and Scott to be in a situation of mutual trust, or for Scott to be more straightforward about his intentions, before Zimo is revealed as a guide. But then after that I hope we have a lot of bonding and dog food!!!!!!! I want Scott’s stickiness to directly explode the charts!!!!!

  6. Ahahahaha the last part was especially good~ Thank you for the chapter

  7. Thank you for the chapter ❤

    Caesar is so cute, he has a new title ” meng-selling black cat”, but only for baby Zimo.

  8. Hahaha! Thank you for that meme. These two are ao oblivious. But they’re cute! I wonder what Marshall Marshall Scott’s reaction will be when he learns that Wu Zimo is a guide. Thanks for the update!

  9. Your Photoshop skills are splendiferous.

    Is, is the Marshall catching on? XD XD XD THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!!

  10. Thank you for the chapter(●♡∀♡)

    It’s this kind of novel that makes u be like

    Just let him know already!┻━┻ミ\(≧ロ≦\)

    But like: no wait let him explore you first♪~(´ε` )

    Makes me feel like hopping in and drag that both of them and be like: umm there kiss(~ ̄³ ̄)~

  11. So if this happens when Ares thinks that they’re going to get eaten, what happens when they are actually eaten?

  12. ~Fu~ ~fu~ ~fu~ Our Marshall is so innocent! (つ≧▽≦)つ Jump on him and you will know the answers! Just a bite will do for me!!

    Thank you so much for translating this wonderful novel!! ⊂(・ω・*⊂)

  13. THE MEME IS CHEF KISS! MWAH! Lmaooo this kitty iceberg duo are both such tsunssssss lmaooo!! Also, I’ve never had bee pupae, but the descriptions make it sound so scrumptious! TY~~~