Marshal, Please Calm DownCh058 - A’ Mo: Whoever Bumped into the Male God Would Know that his Abs Are Really Solid


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Translator's Note

A singer characterized by masculinity, domination, and is a man among men

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  1. Every ML has to have rock hard abs (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

    A minute of silence for Kang Shengzhe from royal healer…

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. ofc every ml must have an 6 or 8 pack XD i really want to see Scot’s reaction when he finds that our mc is a guide hehehe

  3. Ahahah I wanna hit my face against some abs~ For research ofc! I want some more dog food please~

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  4. I think that rather than being connected to the simple fact of his awakening as a guide, Wu Zimo’s ability to sense Scott is related to him being the Marshal’s destined guide, but he still doesn’t know that. 😉

    Yes, Scott, you have secured your future partner, now all you need is time and opportunity. 🤩🤭

    Thank you for the update!!!

  5. LMAO poor Rocard! And Wu Zimo, you’ve already been caught in the trap. I wonder when you’ll realize it tho xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  6. Hehehe can’t wait for the Marshall to discover that Wu Zimo is a guide 😂

  7. I bet Scott would like Wu Zimo to touch those abs not with his nose but something else. 😊

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. If MLs don’t have rock hard abs, how can they withstand the scratches of MC? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  9. Ahahaaha marshal is like: don’t touch my little Zimo. Mine. Rocard, why are you so good at provoking disasters and digging pits for yourself? Hahaha

    Thank you for the chapter!

  10. So no random bag of mantou snacks being ordered and delivered by Scott?

  11. the bar is on the floor but ive never seen a ml who has felt like a failure after seeing the ml tear up prettily instead of being a horny dog. scott… you’re really quite pure, how sweet ^^)b

    thanks for the chapter