Love The VillainCh95 - The Cousin Who Stole the Pill


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  1. I don’t think she would have learnt her lesson though…these type of bitches don’t back down unless they die

    Thanks for the update❤️❤️❤️

  2. Cih…. She deserved death yet she still alive …

    Can’t wait to see her end like the heroine

    And can’t wait to watch the end of the Hero too ..

    Jiang xiu you so cool….

    Thanks for the chapter 🥰🥰

  3. So so so many stupid girls in this novel (٥↼_↼)

    I’m thinking.. they are to be in this dimension for 90 some years, but they ran out of stuff to pillage after 10? … I’m very curious how things will play out. ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )➝

  4. Obviously no one took JX seriously huh… Mufeng’s Xiao Xu IS a fierce sword cultivator wif a sharp tongue!