Love The VillainCh58 - Talking About Business


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Translator's Note

the Chinese calendar 60-year cycle is also called a Jia Zi. Table of a 60-Year Cycle. Jia Zi has had a figurative meaning a full lifespan in ancient times, similarly the ‘threescore years and ten’ in the Bible

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  1. What a clever move! I just hope that the Young City Lord will be an ally in the future.

    Thank you for the update~

  2. What a clever move! I just hope that the Young City Lord will be an ally in the future.

    Thank you for the update~

  3. What a clever move! I just hope that the Young City Lord will be an ally in the future.

    Thank you for the update~

  4. Showing of his pets. What a smart move. The rude young city lord shall bow in thanks to Liu Mufeng. 😄