Love The VillainCh57 - Rune City


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  1. ‘His husband’ it’s sounds so wonderful (♡ >ω< ♡) Hope theirs ‘families’ won’t come to their doors when they became powerful =.=

    Thank You for the new chapter (。’▽’。)♡

  2. Mufeng is so smart!

    I hope jiang xu can get his good reputation back, damn those families who accuse him!

    Thanks for the chapter.

  3. That’s the way into cheating people of their whole possessions. 😅 Good to know they spent their honeymoon wisely. 😊

  4. Hao’er is hateful. No need to help him! Jiang Xu falling more and more in love with our MC is great. Mufeng what a clever duck!