Love The VillainCh52 - The Hero and Heroine


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  1. Her they come. The hero and heroin dropped by, to hopefully eat dust real soon instead of the food prepared by Liu Mufeng. I really can’t wait to see the hero get shot down by Xiao Xu. Has finally the time come for him to fall out of love?😊

  2. I have a feeling that things will get messy now that the “male and female lead” showed up~

    Thank you for the update!

  3. It’s good to be gay! 😆

    Male and female traveling alone in this conservative world? 🤔

    And I”ve always wondered about the space-time compression. I guess their physical age doesn’t advance in space? Otherwise, going from young teen to older would be too obvious. 🧐

    Thank you

  4. Great, another anoying people added to collection 🙄 I was wondering if stopping the sale of medicine pills won’t rise suspicion, but good thing nothing happened!

    Thank You for the new chapter

  5. Ah… I really get annoyed by people like this… acting all coy and reluctant while actually wanting you to make the move… Why not be just straightforward?

    I also really dislike people who are presumptuous with my food… like it’s my food… back the fuck off and go find your own…

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  6. Lol, another instance where a woman is wrong. The ML literally did the same shit when he was getting to know the MC, but was itokay then because he wasnt a woman? Ladies, ladies (assuming most readers are female) lets not feed into the misogyny, ok? And I know its not that deep, but its a prevalent thing that happens in these BLs and its so annoying.

  7. Is this where Spiritual Realm, Spiritual Mortal and Spiritual Master Realm get mixed up? Cause remember, Spiritual King Realm is where most City Lords are at…