Love The VillainCh51 - City Lord Wang’s Reaction


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  1. Third young master Wang is so damn smart. He nearly figured it all out. In comparison all the other dump people are still looking for an old man. 🤭

  2. I just hope this Third Young Master Wang is a friend and not a foe in the future.

    Thank you for the chapter~

  3. This third young master is not a easy person 🤔

    Thank You for the new chapter (*’∀’人)♥

  4. Sajnálom, hogy nem könnyű jelszót kérni. Mindent megtettem, és még mindig nem férek hozzá.😔😔😔

  5. I’m sorry that it’s not easy to ask for a password. I’ve done everything and I still don’t have access.😔😔