Love The VillainCh347 - Beating the Huang Family


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Translator's Note

idiomatic expression~ actually meaning single not yet married, as the opposite of ‘getting out of jail’, ‘leaving the court’, someone who already has a partner, a girlfriend or boyfriend

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  1. Thank you for your translation 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝

  2. Oh, are they gonna act out the age old farce? Cry, throw a fit, and hang oneself? She wants to marry LMF after trapping his son? HSS lost her mind, besides even if LMF wasn’t completely gay and hadn’t promised JX to never take a concubine, no one wants someone that vicious and scheming to marry into their house. HSS tried to have the guy who carried the message killed afterward.

  3. Thank you for the chapter!!

    They would’ve lived longer had they followed the agreed upon conditions😕 they over estimate their worth