I Love FarmingCh42.1 - The Indissoluble Fate With Pigs (Part One)


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Translator's Note

Give medicine to a dead pig: The original idiom is to give medicine to a dead horse. But because they were dealing with a dead pig, the author changed the idiom. The idiom meant that they should keep trying in a desperate situation.

Translator's Note

a blind cat had really bumped into a dead mouse: it’s pure good luck that what CQC said was correct.

Translator's Note

Alysia: I am waiting for the day XiaoBai would bully Cui kikikik

Translator's Note

Rice with mushrooms and sausage (with green scallions):

Translator's Note

Alysia: I am hungry Salivating

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Translator's Note

Alysia: XiaoBai finding his happiness in Cui’s misery how this feels will change soon right? RIGHT????

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