I Have MedicineCh99 - Two Days


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  1. Thanks for the chapter (o゜▽゜)o☆

    Looking forward to seeing what happens next. I especially want to know just what the ML is observing >.>

  2. Thank you for the chapter!

    Is the ML observing a sheathed package that full of thorns? And in decision on perfect ways to chop it off to tease our MC?

  3. Our MC is becoming an excellent combat support class, in addition to crafting support. This period of time in the sect is also where we see our MC often be more capable than the combat prodigy ML.

    Translation suggestions:

    The continuous launching of the three drills utterly destroyed that monster bird! –> A further spray of three more drills utterly destroyed that monster bird!

    He’d just traversed over the tree branches and appeared, watching over Gu Zuo’s safety. –> He had been standing on an exposed branch all this time, watching over Gu Zuo’s safety.

    I ultimately wouldn’t have used three drills, only one or two. –> …those last three drills could have been reduced to one or two.

    The current Tianheng had six sets of bone pearls –> Currently Tianheng had…

    Its appearance was close to seventy to eighty meters in height, but that mountainous form couldn’t obscure the two’s lines of sight. –> After approaching that direction by 70-80 meters, the mountains could no longer block the duo’s line of sight.