I Have MedicineCh61 - Medicinal Pill Exhibition


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  1. Time for our MC to wow these n00bs with his endgame pills, heh.

    Translation notes:

    "He had them set up a network beneath the city to collect blueprints." –> While 下面城池 literally means undercity, in context, it's more referring to the black market. Also "collect blueprints" should be more like "he had them set up a network in the black market using pictures". Because what they're basically doing is using pics that GZ drew of the herbs that no one in the kingdom has heard of in order to search for those ingredients.

    Regarding footnote 1, "呼噜两把" is where you rub someone's head in a rough-play kinda way. You could either go with "ruffled his hair" or "patted his head" for the translation.

    "Gu Zuo had already changed into a set of identical clothing." –> "…changed into a neat set of custom clothing". (In terms of clothing colors, the trend becomes clear later on that GYTH prefers deep blue or red colors, while GZ prefers light colored yellows and whites. They rarely wear the same colors.)

    "one can replenish their qi and blood in approximately one hour." –> 一个时辰 is actually 2 hours, with 12 时辰 in a day. Similarly, the duration for the mid-grade ginseng pills is 1 hour instead of half an hour.

  2. The question was actually raised by readers in the chapter comments, and the author confirmed that the mid-grade pills are supposed to be 1 hour duration (半个时辰). It does make the pricing a bit weird, but shrug

  3. Wifey making money for hubby always makes me happy. ^_^ Thanks for the chapter!

  4. And the third grade was no less than ten taels of gold.

    >> first grade? since third grade was mentioned to be priced at one tael