I Have MedicineCh62 - Totally Shocking


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Translator's Note

I don’t know if other members of the Tianlong Guard will be brought up individually, but anyone between 11-200 will be set as numerals.

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  1. Wow, a new update so soon! And here we see hubby is teaching our MC the fine arts of lying..er…advertising.

    Translation notes:

    "…when young master Gongyi was previously frail, he was in charge of several businesses. Although one couldn’t say that they were profitable in the beginning, they had their ways of making money."
    –> "…when young master Gongyi was previously frail, although it couldn't be said that he only acted for profit, but whichever businesses he managed never failed to make a profit."
    (无利不起早 literally means "not getting up early unless there's profit in it")

    "Speaking of which, those guests suddenly realized that while they placed some of their trust in what he said, only a general idea was given about the medicinal pill’s specific effects."
    –> "His worlds gave the guests great enlightenment and earned their further trust, but only a general idea was given…etc."

  2. Wow, this guy is really good at what he does.

  3. So many minions haha. All named Dragon [Number] lol.

  4. Fawns over Qian Sheng. What godly talent ei!  (✪ω✪)

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Okay i’ve got a weird theory just now.. what if the system and tianheng are the same person.. system is tianheng from future where he already reached immortality.. I know it’s a stretch but everything would make sense as to why system thinks the same as tianheng and gives benefits to our ah Zhou for nothing in return..