I Have MedicineCh46 - Thunder from a Clear Sky


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Translator's Note

足三阳经 – Zu san yang jing, a group of three meridians belonging to the Twelve Principle Meridians. They are primarily located from the foot through the torso to the head.

Translator's Note

挠墙 – Nao qiang, an expression meaning to feel dejected, helpless, or suppressed.

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  1. Thank you for the chap~
    Ah Zuo is very good at adapting hehe.

  2. Thanks for the chapter! Our ML is certainly following the standard xianxia protag OP cliches… it's just the normal "slow" start in order to build a better foundation is being balanced by our MC's help.

    RE footnote 2 — Yeah, they're not counting the original 72 for Houtian 9th stage or the 36 reserved for Xiantian. You might want to add a "condense five extra sets" in there for clarification.

    "After he listened, his interest was piqued and he pondered deeply." –> Might want to consider adding GYTH's name in here, since the "he" in this paragraph and the following are referring to ML, while the "he" in the previous paragraph was all talking about GZ.

    "Moreover, there were still many functions of psychic powers that made him want to figure out to avoid harming the body." –> "Moreover, if there were other functions of psychic powers, he should investigate, just take care not to harm his body doing so."

    "Dozens of days passed" –> Dozens implies multiples of 12 days, but here "十多天" is only 10+ days. So just "A dozen days" or "Ten plus days".

    "Now that Gu Zuo grasped nearly all of the ins and outs of this thing, the follow-up care for the Tiandu Body would depend on him. What secrets could it still be hiding?" –> "After all, GZ now controlled everything that entered his mouth, and the follow-up care for the Tiandu Body will depend on GZ, so what is there for to hide?"

    "It was precisely the Tiandu Body’s hundred unblocked acupoints." –> "The Tiandu Body is born with a hundred unblocked acupoints." (This is referring to the default set of 108 used for "normal" HT + XT cultivation. And then it talks about the other acupoints in the body, which are still born blocked even with Tiandu Body.)

    "Gu Zuo wanted to hurry and claw at a wall" –> "GZ became so busy that he wanted to claw at the walls."

  3. So kawaiiii! They’re so adorable!!! <3

  4. I can’t understand what they are talking about but I’m sure it’s to improve themselves. 😂😂

  5. Even after reading this for the 3rd or so time the way his acupoints were explained still somewhat confuses me esp when compared to later.

      • Thanks a lot. I read it and that makes more sense. Also, thanks so much for your translation and response. I love this story so much I’m rereading it as you release more chapters. 😍