I Have MedicineCh45 - Huge Improvement


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  1. Thanks for the new chapter!! Way to go, GZ! You're on your way to become the Jean Grey of this universe! =P

    Translation notes:

    "Most of all, although his patron’s body could already practice martial arts" — I think you skipped a sentence before this one: "Even though his patron doesn't need to take daily medicinal baths now, that doesn't mean he doesn't need it at all…if the situation suits it, he still wanted to give his patron the most meticulous conditioning."

    "He had to make up for all these deficiencies at this time." –> "All of these [deficiencies] could only be fixed over time."

    "I’ll be bestowed a medal of honor" –> Actually "赏金榜" refers to a bounty list, not medal. So this is more like: "I've picked up some missions from the bounty board, so I'm going out to get some practice in."

    "Gu Zuo moved according to his patron’s diligence" –> "GZ was moved by his patron's diligence"

  2. Thanks for the chapter! I like how GZ immediately rushes out all excited the moment GYTH comes back XD he's seriously cute

  3. Awww, he missed him. He wants to show off to his hubby. So cute! (๑>ᴗ<๑)

  4. Tetractys? Sorry for disturbing you again, but if I’m not wrong, didn’t you mention in one of the current chapters, you wanted to change “Spirit Piercing Needle” into ‘Awl’? If so, I guess you haven’t finished editing yet, because aside from the first chapters this skill was mentioned, in this chapter and the chapters previous to this one, it’s still ‘Needle’ instead of ‘Awl’.

  5. Would like it if the system gave a task, it’s been dead since handing out the continuous task. Sort of pointless for it to exist really.