I Have MedicineCh420 - Dealing With the Zhao Family, Part III


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Translator's Note

给点颜色瞧瞧 – Gei dian yan se qiao qiao, a euphemism for making someone suffer. When a person’s face is beaten up, their face is covered in bruises.

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  1. A thought came to me…based on the principle of you are what you eat (or absorb)… so Zhao Ji is part precious herbs now? Unless there’s some magical beast meat in those decoctions. =P

    Translation notes:

    He tightly gripped Zhao Ji’s hands within his own gloved ones. –> He trightly gripped ZJ’s hands within his own. (no gloves)

    Here was heat in his gaze: –> His eyes prickled (here it’s referring when one’s eyes heating up before crying or suppressing tears)

  2. The system returns! Its so rare to read a story with a system that’s so quiet and mysterious. We still have very few clues as to what its origins and purpose are. Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Honestly the idea of the system having to stew in sleep mode, while having thousands upon thousands of medicinal qi in his line of sight, waiting for gu zuo to just give a spoken permission to take just 100 to stay awake is so funny to me 🤣🤣🤣