I Have MedicineCh346 - The Cave Abode’s Hidden Treasures


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  1. Thanks for the chapter I always look forward to each one I really enjoy this story and you all do such a great job translating and editing.

  2. That’s ok! You’re already doing a great job!! I can’t wait for this story to continue! It’s on the same level as Card Room in my list of favorites!!

  3. Very prosperous chapter (not the right word, but 🤷‍♀️), and very very generous creator. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for your hard work, Tetra! Especially in going back and changing the terms, ah;;Ah, man – a shame that Ah Zuo and Tianheng didn’t use their own hands and Qi Xuanao got the martial artist benefits– but Tianheng already has so much, he truly doesn’t need more… Ah Zuo, however, deserves everything. Can’t wait to see how they split the source, ah!

  5. I sometimes used to remember LMW after thinking about pill cauldrons…… Thank you for your amazing translations though, its so well done and perfect.

    PS: I seriously feel like playing dungeon games and collecting stuff now


  6. Thank you for the chapter I really love this story so I’m gratefull for all hard work you put in it 💐❤️

  7. Because I use novelupdates to notify me of updates, I didn’t realize the change to this site. So a little late to the party.

    Translation notes:

    The originally tilled and proper soil unexpectedly changed on the spot. –> The originally tilled soil suddenly became hard ground.

    Although everybody didn’t remain together, who know what they would find? –> Although everyone didn’t remain together, who knew if they wouldn’t find their way over?

    Wouldn’t this person be too poor after leave behind so much stuff? –> Leaving so much stuff behind, isn’t giving too much favor to those who come after?

  8. I got a notification for a new chapter but I can’t find it. Recently a lot of new chapters can only be found using the notification but I accidentally deleted it before reading the chapter. 🙁

  9. Ah Zuo’s trials felt like when I went to my aunt’s garden and only had to climb the tree myself or find a ladder if I wanted some fruit.

    Thanks a lot Tetra, love your explanations and dedication to the translation ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

  10. LMW was the first web novel I read, and still one of my favorites- which brought me here for this wonderful story!

    Thank you for translating.

  11. Wow, the owner of this cave really thought about it and made scenarios for everyone who might come in. I wonder if there would have been any fighting if Gu Zuo had gone in alone.

    Thanks for the translation!