I Have MedicineCh340 - Big Brother Takes Action


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Translator's Note

The author wrote 天灵, which is actually an acupuncture point in the armpit. The acupuncture point at the very top of the head is 百会, the Baihui Acupoint.

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  1. Thank you for the chapter, and take a good rest if you can!!

    Ah, finally the boss is acting like one!! Fight, fight, fight!! Might be missing its eyes, but surely the dragon can still put up a battle!!!

  2. Happy Holidays!

    Classic fantasy trope: Talking is a free action, lol. I love how they manage to have an entire strategy session in the split second before the dragon spots them.

    Translation notes:

    If we take too long, this will allow it to recover its state for a perfect victory. –> this will allow it to recover to full health.

    Therefore, I think that one of these two places should be taken down. First, we’ll have to thoroughly injure it. Immediately following this… –> I think that one of these two places [referring to the eyes/tail that’s still injured] need to be utterly destroyed first. Immediately following this…

    Could it be that she had fallen for this attractive young man? –> for this pretty boy? (小白脸 is a derogatory term)

    it promptly swiveled its savage eyes all over the place in search of them. –> savaged eyes (or crippled eyes)

  3. Cool as ever but, a 10 meters bow… sounds ridiculous to even try firing that. I mean, the tallest humans was 2.72 m and Tianheng is not over 2 m. If he’s holding the base of the bow with his feet and pulling the string, his arm would be pulling at around 1.5 m from the ground and that is sooo far from the center of the bow. And he’s not projecting a palm to pull it. I’m just saying it would be impossible to shoot. But maybe is the power of cultivation.

    Thanks for the chapter 😊

    Happy holidays!

    • I just look at it like those scenes in movies/animes where he’s miming the action and his using his qi to control the bow, otherwise I feel so ridiculous reading these fantasy measurements similar to the door that was as high as the Eiffel Tower

  4. Happy Holiday!!

    Hopefully, once the dragon is defeated, Gu Zuo will be able to display his skills!

  5. Thanks for the chapter! Also, unless I’m misunderstanding, it should be “scraped” instead of “scrapped”. And although they are passed at this point, hope your holidays were most excellent!

  6. I’m seriously curious as to what Gongyi Tianheng looks like when he shoots his bigger bows. I really can’t figure out why or how he steps on the bow body when he shoots.