I Have MedicineCh339 - Origin-Level Flood Dragon


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Translator's Note

绮念 – Qi nian, fantasies or daydreams, usually of a sexual nature.

Translator's Note

莲藕臂 – Lian ou bi, arms that are fair and plump like a lotus root, usually used to describe the arms of a baby or a healthy woman.

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  1. This is really a man eat man beast eat man and man eat beast world!

    I love the descriptions of the gigantic dragon pity it doesn’t stand a chance…

  2. The first fight after hitting immortal realm! Though so far it’s only the beginning…

    Translation notes:

    In addition, due to this flood dragon, all of the large ships passing through the Black Sand River will vanish every couple of days. –> due to this dragon, every few days some of the large ships passing through BS River would go missing.

    Amid the beating of its winds –> beating of its wings

    While these prodigies didn’t seek them out, once they found the right opportunity –> It was one thing if these prodigies didn’t seek them out, …

  3. Thank you for the chapter!… Also, I’m wondering if Tianheng’s going to have any water inclinations with those fancy bone pearls of his? The flood dragon’s blood is probably going to be a major component, but I’m curious how these very competitive prodigies are gonna divvy up the remains after, or if that will be a whole other competition…

    Also, Fan Meng? I don’t – I don’t want to know about your daydreams, thank you!

    • Oh yeah! I almost forgot about Tianheng’s miraculous bone pearls. The power of the Sun, the bloodline of Ferocious Beasts, and the murderous energy of Blood… Adding some type of water element would make an interesting combo.

  4. Thanks for the chapter ~💗

    I’m wondering whether that flood dragon will make a comeback in the next chapter or it’ll just dye miserably without much struggle. 🤔

  5. I hope Gu Zuo gets a chance to harvest goods, he might have some competition this time. Thanks for the translation!