I Have MedicineCh337 - Black Sand River


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Translator's Note

蛟 – Jiao, a mythical, aquatic dragon. However, it isn’t considered a true dragon (龙). According to legends, when mundane, scaled creatures such as serpents, fish, crocodiles, or even turtles absorb the essence of heaven and earth for five hundred years, they can transform into flood dragons. Traditionally, flood dragons only inhabit small bodies of water such as rivers and lakes.

Translator's Note

围棋 – Wei qi, the typical game of go with all of the rules in place. 五子棋 – Wu zi qi, also called five-in-a-row, players take turns placing go stones to make an unbroken row of five stones.

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  1. Thank you for your hard work!!

    Here they come, here they come~! I hope these prodigies stick around for a little bit, ah! Even if they can’t really compete with Tianheng, it’d be nice to have some (not so) friendly rivalries again!!

    And uh, poor Ah Zuo. He tried. Tianheng had a great time though! =D

  2. Worldbuilding is one of the things I like about this story. So, place your bets everyone, which of these other prodigies will become supporting characters and for how long…?

    Translation notes:

    This elder brother hadn’t noticed, so I couldn’t help it –> This elder brother unconsciously, couldn’t help but—

    It was just that when convening, this was their first time meeting one another. –> It was just that this was the first time they all met together. (as opposed to 1 on 1)

    With your good looks, you can become a small concubine. Are you going to ask that Prodigy Bao or not? –> With your looks, even to become a minor concubine, one would have to question if Prodigy Bao would want to or not?

    The prodigies? How can onlookers say such things? This lowly maidservant can only recommend herself as Prodigy Bao’s pillow mat and nothing more. To speak like this just now, you truly don’t know the meaning of shame! –> What place is it for onlookers to speak ill of a prodigy? This lowly maidservant just tried and failed to recommend herself to Prodigy Bao’s bed, and so she says these things, without knowing any shame!

    Even if we’re inferior to the goddess, we’re strong, too. –> even if we’re inferior to the goddess, we should work on strengthening ourselves.

  3. Hahaha! They might take one look at the little pharmacist and want something so cute to cuddle… vinegar will be spilled! Thanks for the chapter 🤣

  4. Glad I didnt stio right b4 the lo g descriptions of the other prodigies. The end wasn’t too much of a cliffy

  5. I can see that all the girls will die of hyperventilation. I know however, that atleast Tianheng will never play with Ah Zuo’s feelings. I can’t wait to see how Tianheng will ruthlessly reject her!!

  6. Noooo Just got to the good part….

    Anyways thank you for such a quick update. It was such a pleasant surprise 💖

  7. Thanks for the chapter ☺️

    If I’m not mistaken, the “blood-red mark of a king” in the giant tiger refers to the Chinese character for ‘king’, right?

  8. Love rivals, I wonder how Gu Zuo will handle it now that he knows his feelings. Those two ladies that were singled out sound cool.

    Thanks for the translation ❤