I Have MedicineCh335 - Big Brother Breaks Through


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Translator's Note

莲台 – Lian tai, a lotus-shaped platform where a divine figure sits or stands, usually depicted in Hindu or Buddhist artworks.

Translator's Note

In ancient Chinese astronomy, the clusters of stars that comprise the Big Dipper, or Ursa Major, were identified to contain thirty-six brighter stars and seventy-two dimmer stars.

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  1. Tianheng: transforms into different animals

    Me, an old veteran of beastman novels: dontthinkyellowdontthinkyellowdontthinkYELLOWWW

  2. My mind just went : So many possibilities (≖ᴗ≖) lol

    I wonder what will happen when Ah Zuo gathers all the fires

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. Western description: “I leveled up!”

    Eastern description: poetry, allegories , “I leveled up!”

    😆. Thank you

  4. Shapeshifting add so many possibilities ~~nudgenudgewinkwink~~ But due to censorship on jjwxc, it’ll probably be left to the reader’s imagination.

    Translation notes:

    Previously, when he helped Senior Sect Brother Huang Ji to stimulate his blood vessels, –> stimulate his bloodline

    He turned around, and sat cross-legged directly in front of Gu Zuo –> and sat cross-legged facing Gu Zuo

    Even if several prodigies of equal or slightly higher realms surrounded and attacked him together, he had nothing to fear! –> missed a line after this: Who cared about being the best of equal ranked martial artists? His real potential is to be unrivaled among equal prodigies!

  5. That’s a lotta Qi oceans! That’s a lotta beast transformations! Ah Zuo, I received three pretty flames! One is purple, one is orange and one is green.

    Tianheng, I received a giant spinning black hole, 6 Qi oceans, 12 beast transformations, and… lmao!!!!

  6. Everyone: Let’s talk about the many possibilities UwU

    Me: Can we talk about how Tianheng has never been bothered or disturbed by anything… Except for Gu Zuo’s random words. During this critical moment in his cultivation. And he felt it was weird to ‘give birth to an egg’ himself but was 1001% okay if it’s Gu Zuo. And he got distracted even for just a moment to think about Ah Zuo- Am I over thinking this?

    sits down in the yellow corner, pondering

  7. so one has now officially turned into a fire collector, the other into a beas (blood) collector….

    and forgive me for imagining the transformations in brother bear style

  8. 😂My head is bursting. 🥴

    I’m honestly happy for big brother’s throughout success, but I really didn’t expect him to suddenly get the ability to shape shift. ⊙△⊙ A truly powerful ability…… it would be good if that’s the only thing going through my mind😅 Is it just me or did anyone else think of the other very handy usage of this ability?

    | ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ

    Bestiality!! … Anyone? .. No? .. Just me?

    I’m joking! Don’t hate me~ =3=

    Pls T^T

    OR AM I? (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛

    Thanks for this long chapter!!


  9. I didn’t realize this before when you said it’s 3x length chapters but holy heck this is like a 15 min read we really appreciate you

  10. Thank you for the chapter (^^) is this the last of the triple-length chapters? Will the release scedule go back to ~3 days?

  11. The very reason I like YY danmeis. lololololo..

    Thank you for the amazing chapter. If only real life science/math books were written like this, then maybe……nope I would still be dumb!!

  12. omg, i got cofused with all that happening hahahaha anyways, so excited for that transformation part hm (≧∇≦)/ thank you for the chapter ♡

  13. I’m so confused…If Tianheng has 6 qi oceans, then only 2 have attributes (red-gold and red-black)? Does that mean he still has to find the attributes that will be part of the other 4 oceans?

    Thanks for the translations!