I Have MedicineCh317 - Entering the Restricted Area


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  1. WOAH that was quick. They immediately got clues on where Gu Zuo is! It should be… That the Tiandu Body helped throw some good luck into the mix? On the other side, the Hu siblings and Gu Zuo’s situation is tense and this cliff is rather steep :’)

  2. I hope that Gu Zuo don’t meet a strong guardian but I have a bad feeling 😣

    Thank you for the chapter

  3. What’s the order realms again? I feel like ever since we came to the central continents, I can’t keep track of it.

    • Go to the table of contents for I Have Medicine on the Chrysanthemum Garden website. There’s an attached post detailing the martial artist and pharmacist ranks for the story. It’s right above the chapter links.

  4. We have a countdown to their reunion, and probably also a countdown to a climax of the Hu family troubles.

    Translation notes:

    They’re still capable of slaughtering with the stroke of a brush! –> They’re still worth fleecing for good round!

    Even if they know the solution, it’ll take a while to refine the antidote, and it’ll be impossible to restrain it for that period of time. –> …refine the antidote, it’s impossible for them to coincidentally have a way to neutralize it on hand.