I Have MedicineCh305 - Apprenticing to a Teacher


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  1. Came here’s soon as I saw the chapter release. Finally talk of Gu Zuo. It’s also expected for GYTH to choose blood transformation.

  2. Thanks for the chapter!😊

    Oh my~ having both Tianheng and Gu Zuo in the same chapter is making me giddy with happiness!!😁🤗

    I’m so looking forward to finding out morw about this mysterious Palace Lord. 👀

  3. I just know that there will be something interesting for Gu Zuo luckily he make more phills so he can exchange or sell them just in case

    Thank you for the chapter

  4. Thanks for the Chapter!!!💜

    Im sooo curious what kind of faithful encounter Gu Zuo and Tianheng would experience before meeting each other. Pretty sure though that before reuniting both of them would become stronger than before…. Still miss them being together..

  5. Ah, an auction where a critical item that the protag wants is being sold. In all of fiction, when has that ever gone smoothly?

    Translation notes:

    Are we missing any of the medicinal ingredients we’re short of? –> Did you find any hints of the ingredients we’re short of?

  6. Hey I guessed right! I wonder if Tianheng will get a chance to try out the skills of the other houses.

    Thank you for the translation!

  7. So glad to see Gongyi Tianheng be suited with such good fortune. I hope that things with his Sect Master go well and that he can start searching for Gu Zuo soon!