I Have MedicineCh197 - The Myriad Medicine Tower


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Translator's Note

白眼狼 – Bai yan lang, a thankless wretch, an ingrate.

Translator's Note

根骨 – Gen gu, refers to an individual’s latent potential.

Translator's Note

天恩 – Tian en, heaven’s grace or favor.

Translator's Note

狼心狗肺 – Lang xin gou fei, cruel and unscrupulous.

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  1. The protagonists’ plot armor is a mile thick – looks like they just need to take a step to have a fortituous encounter, to trigger a hidden quest or to discover a long-buried treasure! 😂

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌸

  2. Thanks for the chapter (/^▽^)/~~♥️

    (Oh my gosh I loved how tyrannically Tianheng went for option A. Naturally he took the chance to harvest some free respect from the Ling siblings on the way 😂 )

  3. It looks like GYTH has already secured the next story arc. Dat luck!

    Translation notes:

    Originally, if my Ling Clan household was able to revive, this secret would’ve been revealed to the light of day. –> Originally, if the Ling Clan was able to thrive to a certain degree, this secret…

    human king –> this should probably be capitalized as its actually a title rather than description

  4. Mmm… what a about having a pair of Human Kings appearing?? One really handsome, one really cute.

    Ahhhh.. so that’s why the novel is so long? beginning at 0 up to ∞..

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  5. I was expecting the siblings to attempt betraying GYTH :’) RIP their clan for being kind.

    Yeahh Gu Zuo buy everything 😍

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  6. Its a bit late to ask this question, but why is he able to use the mission reward before he completes the mission?