I Have MedicineCh154 - Not Giving Face


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Translator's Note

化干戈为玉帛 – To turn hostility into friendship.

Translator's Note

新仇旧恨 – Xin chou jiu hen, new hate piled upon old hate.

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  1. Thanks Tetra!!!

    Ohhh. So it can also be thought like that. I was also thinking that it was such a waste that Tianheng revealing their secrets with the seniors so easily. It seems a bit sloppy. Alas,,,,, it’s really just because I’m not smart enough to figure out the meaning behind his actions….

      • GYTH implied that Duanshui Hall contaminated the field, and the creation of the mutated rice is outside the control of GYTH and GZ. GYTH “proved” that the number of mutated rice decreases with each batch as the contamination in the field is absorbed. Therefore, it’s not a self-sustaining business that can be exploited. As such, by giving some mutated rice to FMD and the others, GYTH is removing the target painted on his back and gaining more allies all at once.

  2. Gongyi Tianheng is the profiteer one in here. Aih aih aih Ah Zuo your brother’s acting skill is too powerful. He can win the best male actor awards and become Film Emperor XD

  3. Tianheng’s racking up money and points and strengthening ties with the allies/backers. His timing’s really good, taking into considerationf those hidden and open enemies/schemers.

    Thank you for the chapter!


  4. GYTH is once again showcasing his improv acting skills, and also once again 10 steps ahead of everyone else. XD

    Translation notes:

    After all, if he didn’t want to talk about it, wouldn’t the matter of secrecy be to blame? –> if he didn’t want to talk about it, they couldn’t blame him for keeping the matter secret, could they?

    Nowadays, during harvest time, it wouldn’t take long after sprinkling it that the next crop of Scarlet Blood Rice would mature. –> Right now, they’ve calculated the precise time to sprinkle it, so that it wouldn’t take long for the next crop of SB rice to mature.